Thursday, December 5, 2013



My name is Russell L. Bouyer. I am a first year graduate student at The University of Oklahoma pursuing a Masters in Education in  Adult and Higher Education with an emphasis in Student Affairs. I am a Graduate Assistant in Athletics under Conduct and Compliance where I assist and manage the academic labs for our student athletes.

Dr. Shara Hynes, my professor for the Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs course, charged the class with an assignment. We are to develop a project using social media which will inform and educate people about a certain aspect involving Student Affairs.

I decided to choose Academic Advising in Athletics because it is an area of interest of mine. I also decided on this topic because of the understanding I already had of how different advising is for the athlete than the non-athletic student. I am eager to find out more information regarding this topic and I will discuss examples from The University of Oklahoma as well as other current situations that other deal with the subject across the country.





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