Thursday, December 5, 2013

Current Events in Athletics



I wanted to spend some time discussing other issues that are having an impact on Athletics in general, and ultimately have impacts on student-athletes. I do know there is current debate on a number of issues dealing with athletics, such as pay for play. The idea that universities are profiting millions of dollars on star athletes, but the students themselves are not allowed to get paid. That makes me question the idea of a type of slavery within the realm of athletics. There are a number of students in colleges across the country who play sports. Sports is their motivation and may be their only way to a college education. Many of these stellar athletes and not even on a full scholarship, but partial.  They risk their health and bodies with no promise of making it to the professional leagues. I believe that if universities are not going to physically pay athletes for their performances, could they at least pay their full tuition because of all the time it takes to be an athlete. In many situations, athletics is a student's entire life. They are not able to assimilate into a normal campus culture because their sport rules their life. I believe it also dampens their development into becoming global citizens.  What can we as student affairs professionals do to assist athletes in their development outside of the classroom and off the field?? What are your thoughts on this debate?

More readings on the topic:

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